Virginia Beach Motorcycle Couple Session

When you are a full time photographer, it can be so easy to get burned out creatively. Doing shoot after shoot with deadlines and commitments can stunt the creative process. That is why I like to schedule shoots that are just simply for fun! It doesn’t also have to be a fancy styled shoot, although I do love those. It can simply be with friends up for anything on a random street at the beach. The main thing is to have fun and put no expectations on yourself. To just play around and see what you come up with and that is what happened with Carley and Austin! I was feeling the effects of the burn out and reached out to Carley to see if they would be down to do a fun summer shoot. I said Austin could bring his Motorcycle and he was in! The weekend we met up for this shoot I honestly was so overloaded with multiple shoots and thought about postponing but we had already reschedule once due to my busy schedule. I am so glad we didn’t because this shoot brought me so much life! 

We met up at a random street in Sandbridge area in Virginia Beach and just stayed in the same spot for their entire session. Coming from another session, I got there a little early and took a nap in my car as it begin to lightly rain. By the time it was time for their session, thankfully it had stopped raining. Because I hadn’t really planned anything for this session I made the decision that we would stay in one spot! Putting limits on yourself can help jump start creativity. It forces you to look outside the box and work around the limitations. Staying in the same spot forced me to look for different angles and use the spot to the fullest. Carley and Austin were just the best to work with and Austin made sure to keep us laughing the entire session! Choosing friends to work with on a creative shoot can help take the pressure off because you already know each and are already comfortable around each other! 

For me this shoot was a huge success getting the creative juices flowing again and just plain fun!! 


First Home Couple Session


Virginia Lakeside Elopement