The One Virginia Summer Day in Shenandoah

My friend Jessie, a fellow photographer, and I needed to make a trip to Shenandoah National Park to scout out locations for a styled shoot. Jessie invited Ryan and Storm to join us so we could have have a couple model for us and make the most of the four hour drive to the park from Virginia Beach. Little did we know that instant friendship with these to cuties was in the cards for us!  We picked them up from Richmond Virginia where they live and after that the car ride just flew by as the four of us bonded and got to know each other. By the time we got to the park we were laughing and cracking jokes as if we had been friends for years. Thankfully this particular July day we had an exceptionally breezy day and a break from the usual grueling Virginia summer heat. If you have never experienced a humid Virginia summer count yourself lucky! I know we were all doing a little happy dance that we would not be melting into a puddle as we ran around the meadow in the mountains. As soon as we got to shooting Jessie and I quickly found out that Ryan and Storm were not just rad humans, but that they also shine in front of the camera! I mean not only are they just freaking adorable together, but they are just so free in being themselves whether the camera was pointed at them or not. It was the best time losing shoes in the grass, eating flowers (ask Ryan about that one haha), and doing the chicken dance like no one was watching! And if that was not enough we ended the day at a Wendy’s where there was a drama melt down between co-workers. Once we got our food we just sat there trying to find the best way to combined Taco Bell’s and Kentucky Fried Chicken’s names. It was the best ending to this perfect Virginia Summer day 


Norfolk Botanical Garden Wedding


North Carolina Sand Dunes Couple Session