Sunset at Jockey Ridge NC- Jess +Zed

This shoot was thankfully just for fun because it was full of mishaps. First we were suppose to get to Jockey Ridge State Park in North Carolina before the sunset so we could have fun exploring and shooting in the dunes. Well that did not happen because I misjudged the drive time... like the sun had literally just gone behind the dunes when we rolled up. EPIC FAIL. Second my two models started feeling sick that day. So they were trying to run around and be cute but they couldn't EVEN BREATHE PROPERLY! Lets just say Jess & Zed are troopers for still wanting to shoot that day! Despite all of this we still had fun and the pictures turned out great (if you ask me! Let me know what you think in the comments)! Sometimes life brings the unexpected and all you can do is roll with it. We could have turned the car around as soon as things started not working out for us, but then we would not have snagged these photos!


Bull City, Durham NC - Josh +Sarah


Norfolk Urban coffee shop Couple